【Dodge Ball 】|Emerging Sports in Japan
Evasion is an emerging movement in Japan, introduced from Taiwan in 2015 by the founder of the Hong Kong Evasion Association, Mr. OSMAN WONG.
The dodge disk movement is quite mature in Japan. The dodge disk equipment is light and safe. It is also a team competition, so it is very popular in the middle school and elementary schools in Hong Kong.
Fitness ball

The evasion plate equipment is light and easy to carry, the material is soft, safe but still exciting and fun

The dodge board sport is a team sport, a team of ten, a sport where many people have fun

The avoidance exercise rarely involves physical contact, so it is very suitable
Men and women in the same field for the tournament
Lap tennis rules
YOU.FO 係一款基於創新運動同休閒遊戲,用棍投擲空氣動力學環. 它需要集中注意力, 強度, 靈活性和合作. 雖然基本技能好易學習, YOU.FO 將繼續挑戰玩家提高他們的技能, 並發明新嘅遊戲概念.令他們有更好的遊戲體驗.
YOU.FO 有不同的玩法可以單對單或以團隊形式進行, 有入波或自由泳, 也可以在不同的公園, 運動場,球場或海灘上進行活動.
Event scale
International individual championships are for men's singles, women's singles, men's doubles, women's doubles and mixed doubles.
The international team championship consists of 10 players (five men and five women) and includes men's singles, women's singles, men's doubles, women's doubles and mixed doubles.
Game duration
The regular time of a game is 20 minutes, divided into the first and second halves, and each half is 10 minutes. All the above events and groups (age group) have equal competition time.
If the game ends in a tie, the regular game time must be extended. The extra time of the game is 10 minutes, divided into the upper and lower halves, each half time is 5 minutes.
Basic gameplay
Use one hand to throw the net-shaped rubber ring into the opponent's court, and use different wise techniques to make the ring tennis hit the ground or prevent the opponent from receiving the ball and attacking again.
Win conditions
A player who can place a tennis ball on the floor of the opponent's court without violating the rules of the game can score.
The player or side with the highest score at the end of the game is the winner of the game. If both teams get the same score at the end of the game, and not based on the elimination (Rule 8.2), the final result will be a tie.
標題 6
Avoidance equipment
The material for the dodge plate is composed of nylon and foam
Dodge disk competitions use dodge disk equipment approved by the Asian Dodge Disk Federation
Both the open group and the middle school group use a dodge disk with a diameter of 270mm
Dodge disks used in primary school competitions with a diameter of 250mm dodge disks

Avoidance field
A 9x18m volleyball court is used for the official dodge game. The area within the field line is called the infield, which is separated by the midfield line, and each team occupies an infield field. All areas outside the field line are called outfields.
All the evasive players in the infield after the end of the field is the team's score.

Avoidance rules
YOU.FO 係一款基於創新運動同休閒遊戲,用棍投擲空氣動力學環. 它需要集中注意力, 強度, 靈活性和合作. 雖然基本技能好易學習, YOU.FO 將繼續挑戰玩家提高他們的技能, 並發明新嘅遊戲概念也可以令大家明白團結的重要性.
YOU.FO 可以單對單或以團隊形式進行, 有入波或自由泳, 在城市公園, 在運動場或海灘上.
YOU.FO 起源於下鲁伊塞纳,佢喺荷蘭嘅青少年時期. 佢鍾意創造自己嘅戶外遊戲,就係佢曾經用一根長木棍推出佢嘅狗嘅膠圈嘅方式。
在巴斯周圍玩耍時發現佢可以讓飛環飛得好遠. 快入幾年後和 2010 Bas決定與工業設計師團隊一起把最初嘅諗法變成一個充滿活力和樂趣嘅遊戲。
Win conditions
All opponents in the field are out within the specified time, and the half-time game ends immediately
At the end of the time, if the two sides have not all been out, the number of infielders will be calculated as the team score
At the end of the game, the scores from the upper and the second half are added up, and the higher one wins
Win conditions
All opponents in the field are out within the specified time, and the half-time game ends immediately
At the end of the time, if the two sides have not all been out, the number of infielders will be calculated as the team score
At the end of the game, the scores from the upper and the second half are added up, and the higher one wins


飛環最早出現於荷蘭,YOU.FO 飛環於2014 年創立,短短幾年間,已有15個國家積極發展YOU.FO飛環運動,超過3000位運動健兒遍佈歐洲各地,過200間學校引入發展,更有舉辦世界賽事。
Emerging Sports【Dodgebee】
Japanese game film
Emerging Sports【Dodgebee】
Japanese game film
Emerging sports dodge disc Dodgebee
Event photos