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芬蘭木柱molkky長者 木棋運動

【Finnish Wooden Pillar】|Finnish Emerging Movement​

In 1996, MÖLKKY originated in Finland. The gameplay is similar to the scoring method of bowling and darts. The goal is to reach just 50 points first, and if it exceeds 25 points, it is very exciting. Suitable for families, seniors, and young people to play together!

Since 1997, there have been major events every year. The main developing countries are Europe and America, followed by Japan and Hong Kong.


新興運動-芬蘭木柱 MÖLKKY 芬蘭木柱,又名木棋,木棋意思是木製的運動(木棋一字由IMO香港地區代表 Mr. Kennedy Lai 命名)、芬蘭撞柱,運動中能應用棋類行軍策略來進行比賽。是由Lahden Paikka公司(前稱Tuoterengas)於1996年發明的芬蘭投擲遊戲。它在卡累利阿人根的古老投擲遊戲kyykkä的基礎上發展而來。木棋並不講求力氣,老少咸宜。芬蘭木棋不需要特殊的設備,而比賽的勝利是基於運氣和技巧的結合。

Finnish wooden pillars hold color

The Finnish wooden pole is a traditional Nordic sport suitable for all ages. It is simple and easy to use. The gameplay is very similar to bowling.

芬蘭木柱價錢 芬蘭木柱購買 芬蘭木柱課程

The evasion plate equipment is light and easy to carry, the material is soft, safe but still exciting and fun

芬蘭木柱靜態新興運動 芬蘭木柱介紹 芬蘭木柱協會

The dodge board sport is a team sport, a team of ten, a sport where many people have fun

芬蘭木柱規則 芬蘭木柱Molkky 芬蘭木柱課程

The avoidance exercise rarely involves physical contact, so it is very suitable

Men and women in the same field for the tournament






芬蘭木棋長者新興運動 長者體驗活動


芬蘭木棋是一款休閒的新興運動,不需大量體力,非常適合長者。 近年更成為長者間的新興運動。






Finnish wooden pillar equipment

  • Must have Finnish wooden posts of size 1-12

  • Finnish wooden stick for throwing

  • The starting point of the Finnish wooden pillar

Original Molkky 木棋運動

Finnish Timber Field

Finnish wooden pillars of the game land can be carried out in the sand / grass, no limit to the size of the venue, but there must be vacated to make space for throwing area and a small wooden distance of 3.5 m

Finnish wooden pillar rules

Initial setup

  1. Finnish wooden pole players 1-4 per team

  2. The two teams fight against each other and take turns throwing

  3. ​Play at least two games

​Basic gameplay

  1. Hold the throwing stick and throw it at the Finnish wooden pole. If you fall down completely, you will get the score corresponding to the number on the wooden pole.

  2. Do not throw beyond the throwing area

​Win conditions

  1. ​Play more than two sentences, and the first to reach 50 points directly wins.


  1. If the thrower goes beyond the scope of the throwing area to throw, it is judged as invalid throw

  2. The Finnish wooden pillar did not fall completely and was judged to be an invalid throw





IMO 木棋組織
芬蘭木棋社區推廣 綠運會



同年香港地區正式加入I. M. O成為會員



致力推動芬蘭木棋在本港的發展,於社區/ 學校舉辦芬蘭木棋體驗活動,以增加市民/學生對芬蘭木柱的了解及提升興趣。



Finnish wooden pillar rules

Introduction to Emerging Movement-Finnish Wooden Pillar

Introduction to Emerging Movement-Finnish Wooden Pillar

Introduction to Emerging Movement-Finnish Wooden Pillar

Official introduction of Finnish wooden pillar MOLKKY

Introduction to Emerging Movement-Finnish Wooden Pillar

Introduction to Emerging Movement-Finnish Wooden Pillar

Introduction to Emerging Movement-Finnish Wooden Pillar


Introduction to Emerging Movement-Finnish Wooden Pillar


Introduction to Emerging Movement-Finnish Wooden Pillar

Emerging sports Finnish wooden pillar MOLKKY

​Event photos

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