Floor curling (floor curling ball) is derived from the existing prototypes in Canada in 1980, and then began to develop in the United Kingdom and Canada. The concept is taken from curling, and floor curling is not restricted in location, so the demand in the shop is slow. Climbing, floor curling is fun and exciting, does not require much physical strength, suitable for all ages.
【Floor Curling 】|Emerging Sports in Canada
冰壺(Curling) 是一種西方寒冷地區的古老活動。隨着它於1998年成為冬季奧運會比賽項目後, 再加上每四年一屆的冬奥電視轉播,引起更多人的注意。在缺乏寒冷天氣或完善的冰壺場地設施的地區,亦掀起了推動地板冰壺(Floor Curling) 的熱潮。
*Floor Curling 本身並不是球類運動,器材亦不是球型,因此地壺球此說法並不能。
不需要真冰場地設施,在平滑的地上,便可依照冰壺的基本規則,進行與冰壺計分和比賽相同的活動,不分年齡或身障人士均適合參與。因此世界冰壺協會 (World Curling Federation)和國際冰壺學院(International Curling Academy), 應用"Floor Curling"地板冰壺的優點,做為在欠缺真冰場地設施的地區,仍可讓大眾認識冰壺運動的推廣體驗活動。
早於1980年代, 在加拿大已有"Floor Curling"俱樂部的成立,使用木塊加上把手,替代重達20公斤的花崗岩冰壺,在塗臘的地板上,模擬冰面的賽道,進行練習和舉辦定期的比賽。
在英國的John Bennett於2000年以塑膠壓模成圓形壺體再加上三個滾珠軸承和把手,創造了名為 Kurling的地板冰壺產品,使地板冰壺產品可以免除需要在擦上臘的地板上進行活動,模擬冰壺比賽的活動在英國的社區和學校流行起來,並成為一些慈善團體籌募經費的活動。
之後於2008年在加拿大成立的公司(Rock Solid Productions Inc.),同樣以塑膠製成扁圓形的壺體,再加上把手和三個滾珠軸承,造成另一種,被命名為“FloorCurl"的地壺用品。 至今因應供應需求,在不同地區也有生產商,製造類似的產品。同時坊間對於"Floor Curling”的壺和相關配套器材的需求大增,對於它的質量要求也提高了。
自2014年開始,慈善團體 Just Education 一直支持在香港推廣地板冰壺 (Floor Curling)和冰壺(Curling)活動,協助組織有關發展和培訓工作。及後,更擴展到中國內地,台、泰、馬和歐洲等地。
因此我們一直沿用Floor Curling 這個各地同類型活動普遍使用的名稱和它的中文譯名- 地板冰壺,推動這種可以在旱地上玩的,與傳統冰壺(Curling) 極其相關的運動。
Floor curling holding color
The reason why floor curling is so popular!!!
Floor curling equipment
The curling kettle is made of special materials. There are three balls on the ground of the curling kettle, which is convenient for sliding on smooth ground.
A set of floor curling has a total of 8 pieces, usually only red and yellow

Introduction to "Surfing-Pointing Equipment" Ground Kettle Ball

Floor curling venue
The 2mx7.5m floor curling mat can be played in different venues. It is divided into three areas, the potting area, the fence line, and the base camp.
Floor curling rules
Floor curling started in 2018, and it has been gradually promoted in Hong Kong communities, primary and secondary schools. Floor curling breaks the geographical restrictions, as long as it can be performed on smooth ground.
Initial setup
4 official floor curling players per team
Each person casts 2 floor curling
Each team player should go out of the field to cast curling on the floor
Basic gameplay
In the pot throwing area, throw pots
Players need to place the floor curling close to the base camp, as close as possible to the red heart to get points
Win conditions
After completing 6 rounds, the team with the highest total score of 6 rounds wins
The score will be tied after 6 rounds, and an overtime round will continue until one team scores higher than the opponent, then wins
The pitcher has passed the pitching area with both hands and still fails to cast the floor curling
The curling thrown slips out of the base camp and is considered invalid curling

3、擊出(hit)。擲出的壺將對方的壺擊出圓壘,同時己方也離開圓圓壘。如果同時擊出對方兩個得分壺, 則稱為雙擊(double)。
4、擊出並佔位(hit and stay)。擲出的壺擊中對方壺的尾部,使之前進離開得分位置,並讓己方的壺佔 據此前對方所處位置。
5、擊出並變線(hit and roll)。擲出的壺擊中對方壺的側翼,將之擊出得分區域,同時利用此次撞擊修正 己方壺的滑行軌跡而使己方壺佔據有利位置。
8、越過(come around)。後擲出的壺以弧線的移動軌跡越過己方先前擲出的壺進入得分區域,這樣就是以先前出的壺作為保護壺,保護後擲出壺的有利位置。一定不是
Emerging sports [FloorCurling]
Emerging sports [FloorCurling]
Emerging sports [FloorCurling]
Emerging sports [FloorCurling]
Introduction to "Surfing-Pointing Equipment" Ground Kettle Ball
Emerging sports floor curling FloorCurling
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