Softball hold color
The reason why the soft ball is so popular!!!

In terms of strategy and tactics, the emphasis is on skillful play and outsmarting, with softness against rigidity, and static braking

The full name of soft ball is "Tai Chi soft ball" because it is a Tai Chi ball sport born in time. It seems weak and relaxed, but the strength and position control consume physical strength

Very popular in Asia Pacific and other places

Standard badminton court (soft court)
Unit: mm
Softball venue
The softball court is divided into a 25mx25m fancy routine game field and a net-style softball game field. The latter usually uses a badminton court with a center line in the middle.
Softball rules
Softball started to set up a general association in Hong Kong in 2016 to promote softball activities. Since it is a set of flexible and rigid sports, it can be played by men, women and children.
Initial setup
Net-style competition: 2 vs. 2 competitions , both sides hold a net-style special soft-power racket and soft-power ball
Fancy Routine: 8-12 people, use fancy special soft power racket and soft power ball
Basic gameplay
Net Athletics: play badminton and approximation, leveraging advocate, striking
Fancy routines: according to the rhythm, use the required routines and self-made routines
Win conditions
Net-style competition: the defender fails to receive the ball, the offense gets points, and the high scorer wins
Fancy Routine: The judges will release the appropriate scores to the participants, and in the end the highest scorer wins
Net Athletics: Interrupt "arc of lead", rackets and balls collide, pause, interrupted
Fancy routines: incoherent movements, imprecise movements, soft ball slips/drops to the ground
Introduction to Emerging Sports-Softball
Introduction to Emerging Sports-Softball
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Event photos