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Round tennis ball
The reason why round tennis is so popular!!!
The space required is small, but taking turns to kill and catch the ball makes it sting, tense and grateful
Requires high teamwork, cooperate with each other to defeat opponents by tricks
Quick reaction ability required for round tennis, which can train hand-eye coordination
Round tennis starting rules
In 2017, round tennis was established in Hong Kong and promoted vigorously. Local primary and secondary schools gradually saw the emergence of round tennis.
Initial setup
2 people in a team, in a 2v2 format
A round tennis rack is set in the middle, and the game is played 360 degrees around the rack
Win conditions
Until one of the players fails to receive the round tennis ball, the ball hits or falls to the ground
Basic gameplay
Take turns for each team to hit and kill the ball
On the contrary, players who do not have the ball prepare to receive the ball and the next strategy
The serving team must touch the ground with one foot
The pass did not pass over the opponent's infield and two court lines
Contact an evasion plate located in another area
Round tennis court
The players of the 2 teams need to keep around the round tennis ball to compete,
Emerging Sports Fight-Roundnet (Kovis, Aqiang)
Emerging sports introduction_ round tennis
Emerging sports round tennis RoundnetBall
Event photos
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